Gleizes, Albert (1881-1953)

Creator details

Gleizes, Albert (1881-1953)

Assets (50 in total)

Football Players, 1912-13 (oil on canvas)
The Bathers, 1912 (oil on canvas)
Transfiguration, 1941 (gouache on card)
Crucifixion, c.1935 (oil on canvas)
Cubist Composition, 1922 (gouache on paper)
Landscape with Tree, 1914 (oil on canvas)
Brooklyn Bridge, 1915 (oil on canvas)
Hunting; Le Chasse, 1911 (oil on canvas)
The Clowns, 1917 (oil on panel)
Composition for 'Meditation', 1932-1933 (oil on canvas)
Figure, The Student, 1924 (tempera & gouache on canvas)
The Hunt, 1911 (oil on canvas)

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