Burton, Scott (1939-89)

Creator details

Burton, Scott (1939-89)
American sculptor whose most well-known work balanced between art and furniture while evolving into a new kind of public sculpture. He also worked within the context of performance, which he considered a form of sculptural practice.

Assets (46 in total)

Pair of side tables, conceived in 1985, fabricated in 1986 (granite)
Two-cube table, 1985-86 (polished granite)
Pair of chairs, 1986 (granite)
Zebrawood Table, 1981-82 (laminated zebrawood)
Blue Granite Table, 1975-81 (Azuul Bahia (blue), Granite top with steel legs lacquered in blue metalflake prin)
Lawn Chairs (a pair), 1976 (lacquered formica/wood)
Ziggurat Table, 1980 (Honduran mahogany)
Ziggurat Table, 1980 (Honduran mahogany)
Childs Table and Chair, 1978 (wood lacquered white, blue, yellow and pink and polished stainless steel, with leather and foam cushion, mirror and brass casters)
Concrete Tables, 1980-81 (cast concrete)
Two part Bench: A Pair, 1998 (porto beige limestone)
Pedestal Tables, 1982 (mahogany)

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