Ferrari, Rino (1911-1986)

Creator details

Ferrari, Rino (1911-1986)

Assets (137 in total)

Nationalization of the Suez Canal in portrait of: Gamal Abdel Nasser (1918-1970), Egyptian statesman, iIlustration of “La Domenica del corriere””, 12/08/1956 (lithograph)
Toscanini Conducting in the Scala Theatre, Milan, front cover of `La Domenica del Corriere', 19th May 1946 (lithograph)
Victory of the Volunteer Castaway (Colour Litho)
American servicemen at a dance in Tokyo, 3 February 1946 (colour litho)
The nationalization of the Suez Canal (colour litho)
Opium den, Rome, front cover illustration from 'La Domenica del Corriere', 14th April 1946 (colour litho)
A session at the Constituent Assembly (colour litho)
Returning Traditions (Colour Litho)
A surprise party (colour litho)
The daring of the black bag in Rome (colour litho)
Everyone happy (colour litho)
A Lucky Man (Colour Litho)

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