Leloir, Jean-Baptiste Auguste (1809-92)

Creator details

Leloir, Jean-Baptiste Auguste (1809-92)

Assets (26 in total)

Homere, Greek poet of the 9th century Bc.1841 (oil on canvas)
Homere, Greek poet of the 9th century BC, Detail of (oil on canvas)
Goliath Defie David (colour litho)
Jacob Et Esau (colour litho)
Laissez Venir A Moi Les Petits Enfants (colour litho)
Jesus Parmi Les Docteurs (colour litho)
Retour Du Jeune Tobie (colour litho)
Salomon Batit Le Temple (colour litho)
Moise Sauve Des Eaux (colour litho)
Joseph Devant Pharaon (colour litho)
Eliezer Et Rebecca (colour litho)
View of Paramaribo, Suriname, 1840 (engraving)

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