Troost, Cornelis (1697-1750)

Creator details

Troost, Cornelis (1697-1750)

Assets (32 in total)

Angélique and Cléante's Duet, Act II, 'Le Malade Imaginaire' (oil on canvas)
Family Group near a Harpsichord, 1739 (oil on canvas)
'Rumor erat in casa' (There was a commotion in the house), c. 1739-40 (pastel, gouache on paper on canvas)
'Ibant qui poterant, qui non potuere cadebant' (Those who could, walked; those who could not, fell), 1739 (pastel, gouache on paper on canvas)
Inspectors of the Collegium Medicum in Amsterdam, 1724 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of a gentleman, 1723 (oil on canvas)
Misled: The Ambassador of the Rascals Exposes himself from the Window of 't Bokki Tavern in the Haarlemmerhout, c.1739 (oil on canvas)
Pefroen and the Sheep's Head, 1739 (pastel, gouache on paper on canvas)
'Erat Sermo inter Fratres' (The brothers conversed), 1740 (pastel, gouache on paper on canvas)
Allegory of war against France, Dutch soldiers study strategies during the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714), 1747 (oil on canvas)
Children in an Interior Playing in a Nursery (pen, ink and wash on blue paper)
Duel, 1740 (watercolour on paper)

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