Sanchez Coello, Alonso (c.1531-88)

Creator details

Sanchez Coello, Alonso (c.1531-88)

Assets (53 in total)

The Banquet of the Monarchs, c.1579 (oil on canvas)
Lady in a Fur Wrap (oil on canvas)
The Port of Seville, c.1590 (oil on canvas) (detail)
View of the city of Seville (Spain), 16th century (oil on canvas)
Infanta Isabella Clara Eugenia, Daughter of Philip II of Spain
The banquet of the monarchs of the house of Austria, Detail, 16th century (oil on canvas)
Philip II of Spain (1527-98) c.1570 (oil on canvas)
An Expedition Setting out from Seville for America in 1498 (oil on canvas) (detail)
The Infantas Isabella Clara Eugenia (1566-1633), Governor of the Netherlands and Catalina Micaela (1567-97), Duchess of Savoy, 1575 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of Don John of Austria (oil on canvas)
Portrait of an unknown lady, c.1575 (oil on canvas)
Don Carlos (1545-68), son of King Philip II of Spain (1556-98) and Maria of Portugal, 1564

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