Herbin, Auguste (1882-1960)

Creator details

Herbin, Auguste (1882-1960)

Assets (76 in total)

Composition, 1936 (oil on canvas)
Impasse, 1947 (oil on canvas)
Blue, 1946 (oil on canvas)
The Sun and Planets; Le soleil et les planetes, 1941 (oil on canvas)
Air, Fire, 1944 (oil on canvas)
Composition, 1917 (w/c on paper)
Monday, 1949 (oil on canvas)
Iron Bridge; Pont de Fer, 1911 (oil on canvas)
Cow; Vache, 1947 (oil on canvas)
Composition, 1921 (gouache on paper)
Still Life with a Cup of Coffee; Nature Morte a la Tasse de Cafe, 1926 (oil on canvas)
Eight I; Huit I, 1955 (oil on canvas)

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