Guillaume, Albert (1873-1942)

Creator details

Guillaume, Albert (1873-1942)

Assets (200 in total)

Cover of
Illustration for the magazine 'Le Rire' dec 15 1906 (print)
Doing the Tango, published in Femina, 1913 (colour litho)
Poster advertising the Palais de Glace ice rink on the Champs-Elysees (colour litho)
The Dance (oil on panel)
La Reveillée or Le Réveil (oil on panel)
A woman lawyer with a beautiful face, pleads and defends her client looks patient. Advertising, engraving 1902-1903
A massage session (colour litho)
Poster advertising the cycles 'Peugeot', 1896 (colour litho)
'The War is long, it is true....but skirts are short', front cover of 'Le Rire', 15th January 1916 (colour litho)
Consolation (oil on canvas)
At the Salon d'Automne, from 'Le Rire', 11 November 1905 (engraving)

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