Spencer, Stanley (1891-1959)

Creator details

Spencer, Stanley (1891-1959)
Sir Stanley Spencer, CBE RA (30 June 1891 – 14 December 1959) was an English painter. Shortly after leaving the Slade School of Art, Spencer became well known for his paintings depicting Biblical scenes occurring as if in Cookham, the small village beside the River Thames where he was born and spent much of his life. Spencer referred to Cookham as "a village in Heaven" and in his biblical scenes, fellow-villagers are shown as their Gospel counterparts. Spencer was skilled at organising multi-figure compositions such as in his large paintings for the Sandham Memorial Chapel and the Shipbuilding on the Clyde series, the former being a First World War memorial while the latter was a commission for the War Artists' Advisory Committee during the Second World War. As his career progressed Spencer often produced landscapes for commercial necessity and the intensity of his early visionary years diminished somewhat while elements of eccentricity came more to the fore. Although his compositions became more claustrophobic and his use of colour less vivid he maintained an attention to detail in his paintings akin to that of the Pre-Raphaelites. Nowadays, they still seem stylistic and experimental, while the nude works depicting his futile relationship with his second wife, Patricia Preece, such as the Leg of mutton nude, foreshadow some of the much later works of Lucian Freud. Spencer's early work is regarded as a synthesis of French Post-Impressionism, exemplified for instance by Paul Gauguin, plus early Italian painting typified by Giotto. In later life Spencer remained an independent artist and did not join any of the artistic movements of the period, although he did show three works at the Second Post-Impressionist Exhibition in 1912.

Assets (253 in total)

Greenhouse and Garden, 1937 (oil on canvas)
The Resurrection of the Soldiers, 1923-27 (wall painting) (see also 778667)
The Neighbours, 1936 (oil on canvas)
Unveiling a War Memorial at Cookham, 1921
Portrait of Patricia Preece, 1933 (oil on canvas)
Christ's Entry into Jerusalem, c.1920 (oil on canvas)
The Nativity, 1912 (oil on canvas stuck onto plywood panel)
The Last Supper, 1920 (oil on canvas)
Love Letters, 1950 (oil on canvas)
Self portrait with Patricia Preece, 1937  (oil on canvas)
Cookham, 1914 (oil on canvas)
Gardens in the Pound, Cookham, c.1936 (oil on canvas)

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