Veneziano, Paolo (fl.1333-62)

Creator details

Veneziano, Paolo (fl.1333-62)

Assets (64 in total)

Coronation of the Virgin (detail of the polyptych)
Madonna and Child (panel)
The Crucifixion, c.1340 (tempera on panel)
The Pala Feriale, 1345 (tempera & gold leaf on panel)
St Thecla, detail from 1630100 Polyptych of the Crucifixion with Saints, 1350-1355
Pala Feriale (tempera on panel)
Detail of Pala Feriale, St.Mark's Basilica, Venice (tempera on panel) (detail of 2598240)
Polyptych from the Church of Santa Chiara, c.1350 (tempera on panel with gold)
Saint John the Baptist (reverse of panel), mid-1300s (tempera on panel) (see also 5242334-37)
Archangel Michael (reverse of panel), mid-1300s (tempera on panel) (see also 5242335-37)
Saint Frances (reverse of panel), mid-1300s (tempera on panel) (see also 5242334-36)
The Coronation of the Virgin Painting by Paolo Veneziano (active between 1320 and 1362) Venice, Gallerie del 'Accademia

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