Francia, (Francesco di Marco Raibolini) Il (1450-1517)

Creator details

Francia, (Francesco di Marco Raibolini) Il (1450-1517)

Assets (36 in total)

Annunciation and Saints, detail of the Archangel Gabriel, 1500 (oil on canvas)
Saint Stephen (oil on panel)
St. Rocco, from a predella panel (oil on panel)
Adoration of the Magi (oil on panel)
The Flight into Egypt
Madonna and Child with Two Angels, c.1495-1500 (oil on panel)
Musicians Angels, detail of Virgin with child and st Proculus, St John evangelist, St Augustine, St Sebastian (Painting, 1494)
The funeral of St. Cecile, 1506 (fresco)
Portrait of Evangelista Scappi (tempera on wood)
The Baptism of Christ (oil on panel)
Madonna and Child Sitting on a Parapet with a Goldfinch, c.1510-17 (oil on panel)
Madonna with the child and Sts Benedict of Nursia, Justine, Placide and Scolastica (oil on wood, c.1515)

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