Garofalo, Benvenuto Tisi da (1481-1559)

Creator details

Garofalo, Benvenuto Tisi da (1481-1559)

Assets (100 in total)

Christ Driving the Money-Changers from the Temple (panel)
The Triumph of Bacchus, 1540 (oil on canvas)
The Triumph of Bacchus, 1540 (oil on canvas) (detail of 228947)
St. James the Greater
God the Father (oil on panel)
God Blessing the Earth (oil on wood)
Vault of the Hall of the Treasure (fresco)
Sainte Lucie (de Syracuse) (beginning 4th century) holding a tray with two eyes (Saint Lucy), 1535-40 (oil on wood)
The Virgin Enthroned with St. Jerome and St. John (oil) (see also 33480)
Madonna and Child in Glory, c.1535 (tempera & oil on wood)
Crucifixion with the Virgin and Saint John the Baptist (oil on canvas)
Gentleman holding a musical instrument and a gentlewoman, detail, vault of Hall of the Treasure (fresco)

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