Keppler, Udo (Joseph Keppler, Jr.) (1872-1956)

Creator details

Keppler, Udo (Joseph Keppler, Jr.) (1872-1956)

Assets (26 in total)

Uncle Sam's dream of conquest and carnage - caused by reading the Jingo newspapers, 1895 (chromolithograph)
A Trifle Embarrassed, 1898 (colour litho)
BETWEEN TWO OF A KIND. Cartoon portrays labor unions as a 'trust' comparable to a business 'trust.' Both are depicted as giants victimizing the small vulnerable consumer. Udo Keppler cartoon was published in PUCK during the anthracite coal strike of 1902
Statue of Liberty floating in bay and statue of cow, wearing crown and collar with $ sign, standing on Liberty's pedestal, 1912 (colour litho)
Two's Company Three's A Crowd!, 1914 (colour litho)
Waiting, 1913 (colour litho)
Jack and the Wall Street giants, from 'Puck', 13th January 1904 (colour litho)
Luxuries versus Lifeboats, pub. 1912 (colour lithograph)
The judgement of Solomon, 1908 (print)
AN EFFECTIVE BATTERING RAM IN THE HANDS OF THE RIGHT MEN. Cartoon portrays labor and commerce using a battering ram to breech the wall of high protective tariffs. Udo Keppler cartoon was published on the cover of PUCK on July 9 1902
The Flying Dutchman, pub. 1910 (colour litho)
The new tattooed man, 1912 (illustration)

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