Calkin, Lance (1859-1936)

Creator details

Calkin, Lance (1859-1936)

Assets (47 in total)

In Memory of Gordon, Killed 26 January 1885 (chromolitho)
The London Skating Club in the Grounds of the Royal Toxophilite Society, Regent's Park (litho)
The Smallpox Epidemic in London, a Conscientious Objector to Vaccination (litho)
All Pass Away as the Glimmer of Day while Others as Fleet are Born, 1888 (oil on canvas)
The Patchwork Quilt, 1887 (oil on canvas)
Celebrities of the Day, the Reverend Charles Haddon Spurgeon (engraving)
The End of the Holiday Season, Nigger-Minstrels returning to London from the Seaside (engraving)
A Trade that was always brisk in Mafeking, Natives selling Fragments of Boer Shells (litho)
With Methuen's Force, storming a Kopje (litho)
The Late Reverend C H Spurgeon (engraving)
Celebrities of the Day, the Right Honourable Henry Chaplin, MP, President of the Board of Agriculture (engraving)
The Most Reverend Edward White Benson, DD, Archbishop of Canterbury (engraving)

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