Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927)

Creator details

Pepin, Edouard Guillaumin (1842-1927)

Assets (109 in total)

Cover of 'Le Grelot' Satirique en Colours, 1892_11_27 (engraving0
Cartoon on financial scandals “” The Eiffel Tower: the most skilful batonist - retractor seen since the famous Vivier””. Cover “” Le Grelot”” of January 22, 1893
Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 908, Satirique en Couleurs, 1888_9_2: L'assaut de la Republique - Anticlericalism, Affaire Boulanger - Eg avec reactionaries, Eg antirepublicaine, Affaire Boulanger, A Marianne dominant - Boulanger Georges (1837-1891), Rochefort Henri (1831-1913), Marianne, Marianne, Marianne, Marianne, Marianne, Jesuites - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910)
(Cartoon on newspaper censorship) - by Pépin, in “” Le Grelot”” of 18/02/1877
Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 423, 1879_5_18 - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin dit Pepin (1842-1910): The Ferry project - Anticlericalism, Article 7 - Teaching, Laicisation Laicite Laiques Lois - Ferry Jules, Worker, Jesuites
Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 1054, Satirique en Couleurs, 1891_6_21: Rosa-Josepha - Anticlericalism, Music, Modernite, Religion, President of the Republique, Trumpet - Separation from the Church and the State - Marianne, Carnot Sadi (1837-1894), Eveques - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-Guillaumin (1842-Pepin) 1910)
Cover of “” Le Grelot””, Satirique en Couleurs, 1896_1_19: La Verrerie ouvriere... - Carmaux - Jaures Jean, Ouvrier Worker, Emile Arton (1849-1905) - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910)
Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 1143, Satirique en Couleurs, 1893_3_5: Resurection - Colonization, Republican - Article 7, Resurrection - Ferry Jules, Rochefort Henri (1837-1891), Drumont Edouard (1844-1917), Cures, Eveques - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910)
Cartoon on the Panama scandal: “Virtue in vice: the inventor of the famous hole!” - Couv. “Le Grelot” of March 26, 1893.
Cover of “” Le Grelot””, numbero 1061, Satirique en Couleurs, 1891_8_9: Pour avoir de bonne galette - Anticlericalisme, Religion - Cupidite/Avarice, Ralliement, Clerical Hypocrisy - Marianne, Charles Lavigerie Mgr (1825-1892), Cardinaux, Eveques - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (184min) (18449 2-1910)
Cover of “” Le Grelot””, number 1024, Satirique en Couleurs, 1890_11_23: Un nouveau Boulanger - Anticlericalism - Ralliement - Bishop Charles Lavigerie (1825-1892) - Illustration by Edouard Guillaumin (Pepin) (1842-1910)
Les Rabatteurs: Malheur a la vérité!, from Histoire de la Troisieme Republique, Vol. I, l'Histoire Politique, pub.1933 (colour litho)

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