Predis, Cristoforo de (1440-86)

Creator details

Predis, Cristoforo de (1440-86)

Assets (139 in total)

Jesus goes to the synagogue of Nazareth on a Saturday and reads the book of the prophete Isaiah Miniature by Cristoforo De Predis (1440-1486) after the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin
Detail of merchants selling various items: on the left, a merchant of fruits and vegetables, in the center a miller molding grain (Miniature, circa 1470)
Influence of  Venus: the garden of love and the fountain of Youth (miniature, c.1470)
Moon with the zodiac sign of cancer. Boats during the rising maree (miniature, c.1470)
Influence of Mercury: the Garden of Love and the Fountain of Youth. Miniature made by Cristoforo de Predis (v. 1440-v. 1486) - in “” De Sphaera””” d'Este. Around 1470. Biblioteca Estense, Modene.
Sun with the zodiac sign of the lion. Scenes of men's physical exercises. (miniature, c.1470)
Saturn with zodiac signs of aquarius and capricorn.The game scenes and its influence on men. (miniature, c.1470)
The end of the world and the Last Judgment. All houses and villages be destroyed. 6th time. Miniature by Cristoforo de Predis (1440-1486), 1476.
Mary of Bethany (one of the Three Maries) anointed Christ with an ointment during a meal in Bethany. Miniature of Cristoforo De Predis from the History of the New Testament, 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin (153-013115).
Nicodema the Pharisee visits Jesus Miniature by Cristoforo De Predis (1440-1486) after the History of the New Testament (fol. 58), 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin
Borromeo Book of Hours
Jesus straightens a woman with twisted members in a Miniature synagogue by Cristoforo De Predis (1440-1486) after the History of the New Testament (fol. 78), 1476. Biblioteca Reale, Turin

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