Verrocchio, Andrea del (1435-88)

Creator details

Verrocchio, Andrea del (1435-88)

Assets (78 in total)

The baptism of Christ -  oil and tempera on panel, 1472-1475
David, c.1470 (bronze) (see also 220043)
Head of Angel (black chalk on paper)
Woman Looking Down (pencil on paper)
The Doubting Thomas (bronze)
Equestrian monument to Bartolomeo Colleoni (1400-75) (bronze)
The Virgin Adoring the Christ Child (The Ruskin Madonna) c.1470 (tempera & oil on canvas)
The Incredulity of St. Thomas, 1466-83 (bronze)
Equestrian Monument of Condottiere Bartolomeo Colleoni (bronze) (detail of 336135)
The incredulite of St. Thomas, 15th century (Bronze sculpture)
Funerary monument of Cardinal Forteguerri (marble)
Equestrian monument to Bartolomeo Colleoni (c.1400-75), model made in 1481, cast by Alessandro Leopardi (d.1522) in 1490 (bronze)

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