Sassetta (Stefano di Giovanni di Consolo) (c.1392-1450)

Creator details

Sassetta (Stefano di Giovanni di Consolo) (c.1392-1450)

Assets (26 in total)

The Mystic Marriage of St. Francis with Chastity, Poverty and Obedience, 1437-44 (oil on panel)
The Miracle of the Holy Sacrament, from the predella of the Altar of the Holy Eucharist, 1423 (tempera on panel)
The Damnation of the Soul of the Miser of Citerna, predella panel from the polyptych of San Francesco di Borgo San Sepolcro, 1426-44 (oil on panel)
Detail of angel musicians from a painting of the Virgin and Child surrounded by six angels, 1437-44 (oil & gold on wood)
The Burning of a Heretic, c.1423-26 (tempera & gold on panel)
St. Francis Renounces his Earthly Father, 1437-44 (tempera on panel)
Saint Francois of Assisi speaking with the wolf of Gubbio (detail) (egg tempera on poplar panel)
The Procession to Calvary, 1437-1444 (tempera on panel)
The Agony in the Garden, c.1400-50 (tempera on poplar panel)
St. Anthony Beaten by Devils, panel from the Altarpiece of the Eucharist, 1423-26 (oil on panel)
The Betrayal of Christ, c.1437 (tempera on panel)
The Journey of the Magi, c.1433-5 (tempera and gold on wood)

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