Sanchez Cotan, Juan (1560-1627)

Creator details

Sanchez Cotan, Juan (1560-1627)

Assets (11 in total)

Quince, Cabbage, Melon, and Cucumber, c.1602 (oil on canvas)
Still Life with a Cardoon (oil on canvas)
Still life with dead birds, fruit and vegetables, 1602 (oil on canvas)
Still Life
St. Joseph leading the infant Christ (oil on panel)
Still Life with Game Fowl, 1600-03 (oil on canvas)
The Vision of St. John the Evangelist on Patmos
Bodegón with a cardoon and francolin (oil on canvas)
Saint Sebastian, after 1603 (oil on copper)
Saint Sebastian, c.1603  (oil on copper)
Presentation of the Chasuble at Saint Ildefonso (Saint Ildefonso) Painting by Juan SANCHEZ COTAN (1561-1627) Oil on canvas Granada, Museo de Bellas Artes de Granada.

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