Greek or Roman

Creator details

Greek or Roman

Assets (14 in total)

Bust of the Greek philosopher Plato (428-348 BC) Marble sculpture, Rome, musei capitolini
Bust of Solon (marble sculpture)
Portrait of Epicure (341 BC - 270 BC), Greek philosopher, founder of epicurism. Baracco Museum, Rome.
Bust of Alcibiade (450-404 BC) statesman and Athenian General Rome, musei capitolini
Bust of Herodotus, 4th century BC (Marble sculpture)
Bracelets, possibly from Egypt, Late Hellenistic or Early Imperial Period, c.40-20 BC (gold, emeralds & pearls)
Marble bust of the Greek philosopher Socrates (470-399 BC) after the original of Lysippe (around 330 BC), -470-399 BC (marble)
Cast from the antique (plaster) (see also 876117)
Bust of Agathon of Athenes (448-400 BC), playwright.
Roman Forum: statues of vestals. House of vestals (Casa delle Vestali or Atrium Vestae). On the left, the Greek temple of Dioscures (or temple of Castor and Pollux) (5th century BC). Rome
Portrait of Sapho (marble sculpture)
Representation of the Greek philosopher Theophraste (372-287 BC).

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