Piazzetta, Giovanni Battista (1683-1754)

Creator details

Piazzetta, Giovanni Battista (1683-1754)
Italian artist.

Assets (31 in total)

Study of a male nude, c.1715 (black chalk heightened with white on paper)
St. Benedict
The Fortune-teller (L'Indivona), 1740
The Procuress, c.1730 (black & white chalks on paper)
Young Flag Bearer, c.1725-30 (oil on canvas)
Pastoral scene, 1740 (oil on canvas)
Suzanne and the Elders - Oil on canvas, circa 1720
St. James Led to Martyrdom, c.1722-3
Man and Violin Player, by Giovan Battista Piazzetta, 1720, 18th Century, charcoal and white lead, gray blue paper, presently brown
Madonna and Child with an Adoring Figure, between 1715 and 1718 (oil on canvas)
Judith and Holofernes
Virgin and Child Appearing to St. Philip Neri, 1725-26

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