Guston, Philip (1913-80)

Creator details

Guston, Philip (1913-80)

Assets (41 in total)

Beggar's Joys, 1954-55 (oil on canvas)
Bronze, 1955 (oil on canvas)
City Limits, 1969 (oil on canvas)
Legend, 1977 (oil on canvas)
Martial Memory, 1941 (oil on canvas)
White Painting II, 1951 (oil on canvas)
Allegory, 1975 (oil on canvas)
The Coat, 1977 (oil on canvas)
Tour, 1969 (oil on canvas)
Air I, 1965 (oil on canvas)
Red Box, 1977 (oil on canvas)
Rain Cloud, 1973 (oil on canvas)

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