Woodman, Betty (1930-2018)

Creator details

Woodman, Betty (1930-2018)
Woodman is known for her sculptures that united clay and painting into large, complex multimedia works. A retrospective of her work was mounted at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2006, the first exhibition there of a living female artist.

Assets (7 in total)

Santa Chiara, 1991 (glazed & fired clay) (see also 714282 & 714284)
Wall Piece with Vase, 1986 (whiteware)
Pine Islands, 1999 (earthenware)
Santa Chiara, 1991 (glazed & fired clay) (see also 714283 & 714284)
Pillow Pitcher, 1980 (glazed earthenware)
Santa Chiara, 1991 (glazed & fired clay) (see also 714282 & 714283)
Pine Islands, 1999 (earthenware)

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