Rivers, Larry (1923-2002)

Creator details

Rivers, Larry (1923-2002)

Assets (57 in total)

Periodic Table, 1987 (w/c on paper)
Blue Collar Holiday, 1990 (oil on canvas mounted on sculpted foamboard)
Modernist Times: A Factory Visit, 1989 (oil on canvas mounted on sculpted foamcore) (see also 405975)
Study for 'The Stripe is in the Eye of the Beholder'- Portrait of Barnett Newman (1905-1970), 1975 (graphite, charcoal, coloured wax crayon and cellophane tape on two attached sheets)
Beyond Camels, 1980 (oil & graphite on canvas)
Untitled Lenin by Larry Rivers
Jello, c.1989-90 (oil on canvas mounted on sculpted foamboard)
Victoria's Secret, 1990 (oil on canvas mounted on sculpted foamboard)
Camels, 1962 (graphite on paper)
Black Jack: Spades and Diamonds, 1990 (oil on canvas)
House of Cards: Charcoal Chair, 1989 (oil on canvas mounted on sculpted foamboard)
House of Cards: Teal, 1989 (oil on canvas mounted on foamboard) (see also 405987)

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