Smart, Larry (1945-2005)

Creator details

Smart, Larry (1945-2005)
Larry Smart spent much of his early childhood in the Middle East where his father was working. In the 1960s he attended Croydon Art School on a fine art course. After various jobs he took up painting and illustration full time.<br> <br> He has held a number of solo exhibitions in England and his paintings are in private collections throughout the world. Commissions include a series of murals for former Beatle George Harrison and he has recently completed four paintings featuring British sporting themes for Sainsburys Sherry labels. In recent years he has been a regular exhibitor at the RONA Gallery in Mayfair, London.<br> <br> Since the mid 1980s he has regularly visited Morocco and especially Marrakech where he now spends several months a year. Morocco has become a major source of inspiration for his work.<br>

Assets (55 in total)

Majorelle Gardens, Marrakech, 1996 (carylic on linen) (see 186509)
Rooftops in Marrakesh, 1989 (acrylic on linen)
Door, Marrakech, 1998 (acrylic on linen)
Ben Webster (acrylic on linen)
A Riad in Marrakech, 1992 (acrylic on canvas)
Lennon - Kaleidoscope Eyes, 1967 (acrylic)
Topiary Wave (acrylic on linen)
Hendrix - Fire, 1967 (acrylic)
Jimi Hendrix (1942-70) (acrylic on linen)
Tobogganing, 1986 (acrylic on linen)
The Fells in Winter, 1984 (acrylic on linen)
Marjorelle Reflections, 1998 (acrylic)

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