Hals, Frans (1582/3-1666)

Creator details

Hals, Frans (1582/3-1666)

Assets (126 in total)

The Laughing Cavalier, 1624 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of a Jester with a Lute (oil on canvas)
The Regentesses of the Old Men's Almhouse, Haarlem, 1664 (oil on canvas)
The Gypsy Girl, 1628 (oil on panel)
Willem Van Heythuyzen, c.1625 (oil on canvas)
The Merry Lute Player, c.1624-28 (oil on canvas)
A Banquet of the Officers of the St. George Militia Company, 1616 (oil on canvas)
Frans Post (1612-80) c.1655 (oil on panel)
The Singing Boys, 1623-27 (oil on canvas)
Portrait of a Man Holding a Skull, c.1611-12 (panel)
Portrait of Isaac Abrahamsz. Massa, c.1635 (oil on panel)
Portrait of Nicolaes van Heuvel, his wife Susanna van Halmael, their daughter Maria and an unknown daughter, c.1635 (oil on canvas)

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