Frost, William Edward (1810-77)

Creator details

Frost, William Edward (1810-77)

Assets (30 in total)

Life study of the female figure
Disarming of Cupid, Sonnet CLIV (engraving)
Standing nude (pencil on paper)
The Three Graces, 1856 (oil on canvas)
The Sea Cave, c.1851 (oil on canvas)
Sabrina and the Nymphs, 1845 (oil on panel)
Diana surprised by Actaeon (engraving)
Classical Subject (Venus, Cupid, and Psyche) (oil on board)
Disarming of Cupid, from the picture in the Royal Collection (engraving)
John Milton, LÂ’Allegro (engraving)
Una (engraving)
A Naiad (oil on panel)

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