Prokudin-Gorsky, Sergey (1863-1944)

Creator details

Prokudin-Gorsky, Sergey (1863-1944)

Assets (75 in total)

Austrian prisoners of war before their barracks in Karelia after the failed winter offensive, Russia, 1915 (photo)
Postcard of Leo Tolstoy at his home, Yasnaya Polyana, 1905-1915 (photo)
The photographer Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky, an official and four railway workers riding on a railroad handcar outside Petrozavodsk on the Murmansk railway, Russian Empire, 1915  (photo)
Mugan: settler's family with children, Grafovka, Russian Empire, between 1905 and 1915 (photo)
Peasants making hay, near rest time, Russian Empire, 1909 (photo)
The photographer Sergey Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorsky and two men in Cossak dress, Murmansk Railway, Russian Empire 1915 (photo)
A group of Jewish children with a teacher on a table in front of a house, Samarkand, Russian Empire, between 1905 and 1915 (photo)
Alim Khan, Emir of Bukhara, seated holding sword, Bukhara, Russian Empire, between 1905 and 1915 (photo)
Belaya Palata [White Palace] museum at Rostov, 1905-1915 (photo)
Workers molding an artistic casting at the Kasli Iron Works, Ural Mountains, Russian Empire, 1910 (photo)
A family, with shovels and horse-drawn carts, working at the iron mines in the Bakaly hills, 1905-1915 (photo)
Pinkhus Karlinskii, eighty-four years old: sixty-six years of service, Supervisor of Chernigov floodgate, Mariinskii canal and river system, Russian Empire, 1909 (photo)

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