Mueck, Ron (b.1958)

Creator details

Mueck, Ron (b.1958)
For 20 years, Mueck worked as a puppeteer for Australian and British television. In 1995, he decided to pursue sculpture, creating hyper-real human figures of adults, adolescents, and infants in varying scales.

Assets (27 in total)

Untitled - Boy, by Ron Mueck, 1999, 20th Century, fiberglass, silicone, expanded polyurethane, acrylic fiber and fabric, 490 x 490 x 250 cm
Ron Mueck  -
Detail of Man Under Cardigan, 1998 (mixed media) (see also 702723 and 702719)
Detail of Man Under Cardigan, 1998 (mixed media) (see also 702722 and 702719)
Ron Mueck  -
Man Under Cardigan, 1998 (mixed media)
Man Under Cardigan, 1998 (mixed media)
Ron Mueck  -
Ron Mueck  -
Ron Mueck  -
Ron Mueck  -
Ron Mueck  -

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