Diderot, Denis (1713-84)

Creator details

Diderot, Denis (1713-84)

Assets (9 in total)

Field work - Agriculture, sowing, ploughing. Various model rolls and ploughs: Plate of a volume of illustrations from the Encyclopedie of Diderot, original edition 1762 (engraving)
Plate showing chemical laboratory and table of affinities, Jean Baptiste Le Rond d'Alembert, L'Encyclopedie, 1751-1757 (engraving)
Beekeeping, from 'Dictionary of Sciences', c.1770 (engraving) (detail of 746836)
Beekeeping, from 'Dictionary of Sciences', c.1770 (engraving) (see also 746839)
Cotton Field in America; Threshing with a Bow; Cotton Plant (Title), 1762
Glazing and Warping (Plate III), 1762
Weaving and Loom (Plate IV), 1762
Pedal-Mill (Plate I), 1762
Carding and Combing (Plate II), 1762

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