Boccioni, Umberto (1882-1916)

Creator details

Boccioni, Umberto (1882-1916)

Assets (163 in total)

The Street Enters the House, 1911 (oil on canvas)
Dynamism of a Cyclist (Dinamismo di un ciclista) 1913 (oil on canvas)
Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, 1913 (bronze)
The Charge of the Lancers, 1915 (collage)
Materia, 1912 (oil on canvas)
States of Mind: Those Who Stay, 1911 (oil on canvas)
States of Mind: Those Who Go, 1911 (oil on canvas)
Elasticity, 1912 (painting)
The Drinker, 1914
Dynamism of a Cyclist, 1913 (oil on canvas)
A Fight in the Arcade, 1910 (oil on canvas)
Under the Pergola in Naples or Under the Pergola , 1914 (oil on canvas)

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