Klein, Jaschi (b.1942)

Creator details

Klein, Jaschi (b.1942)
Jaschi Klein studied painting and photography at the College of Design in Kiel and at the College of Fine Arts in Hamburg. She spent time abroad for further studies. Since then she has carried out various documentary film projects with Michael Engler in the US and African countries, followed by photography and installation projects as well as exhibitions and has been teaching in Germany and abroad. Her works are in private and public collections. e.g. Philadelphia Art Museum. USA Denver Art Museum, USA. Kawasaki Museum, Tokyo, Japan Encontros Da Imagem, Braga, Portugal Musee de la Photographie, Charlesroi, Belgium Bib-liotheque Nationale Paris, France Museum Ludwig, Köln Germany Kunst und Gewerbe Museum, Hamburg, Deutscher Bundestag.

Assets (121 in total)

Konferenzen 17 (b/w photo)
Wind-Installation I, 2015 (b/w photo)
Transformationen 2, 2015 (b/w photo)
Rheinlandschaften 4 (b/w photo)
Animal Talk 9, 2015 (b/w photo)
Dunkle Oasen 3, 2015 (b/w photo)
Dunkle Oasen 11, 2015 (b/w photo)
Rheinlandschaften 2, 2015 (b/w photo)
Rheinlandschaften 1, 1992 (b/w photo)
Wind-Installation I, 2015 (b/w photo)
Wind-Installation I, 2015 (b/w photo)
Dunkle Oasen 9, 2015 (b/w photo)

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