Janinet, Jean-Francois (1752-1814)

Creator details

Janinet, Jean-Francois (1752-1814)

Assets (20 in total)

Louis XVI appearing on the balcony at Versailles on 6 October 1789 to tell the Parisian mob that he will go to Paris on condition his wife and family travel with him (coloured engraving)
Stanislas-Marie Maillard (1763-94) at the storming of the Bastille on the 14th July 1789 (coloured engraving)
The women of Les Halles marching to Versailles, 5th October 1789 (w/c on paper)
Marie Antoinette, Queen of France and Navarre (colour aquatint print)
Rose Bertin (1744-?) fashion designer of queen Marie-Antoinette, engraving by Janinet
Monsieur de Liancourt (1747-1827) telling Louis XVI (1754-93) at Versailles of the events in Paris on 14th July 1789 (coloured engraving)
Marquis Bernard Rene Jordan de Launay (1740-89) Governor of the Bastille conducted to the Hotel de Ville on 14th July 1789 (coloured engraving)
Fermentation at the Palais-Royal on the 10th July 1789 (w/c on paper)
The Festival of the Federation (celebrating the constitutional monarchy). Paris, Champ-de-Mars, on July 14, 1790 - La fete de la Federation - Vue du Champ de Mars, à l'instant le roi, les deputes à l'Assembllee nationale et les federes reunited, pronounce the civic oath on July 14, 1790 engraving by Janinet Jean Francois (Jean-Francois) (1752-1814)
Equality - engraving by Jean Francois (Jean-Francois) Janinet (1752-1814) - Allegorie de l'Egalite holding the Declaration of Human Rights. 1793 -
The difficult confession. A servant hearing her mistress. Print, 1787 (engraving)
Events of the 5th of October 1789: The Women want to hang the Priest Lefevre (coloured engraving)

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