Meunier, Constantin Emile (1831-1905)

Creator details

Meunier, Constantin Emile (1831-1905)

Assets (29 in total)

In the Black Country, 1890 (oil on canvas)
Foundry Worker, 1902 (pastel & gouache on paper)
Industry, 1896 (bronze)
La Guerre des Paysans (Le Rassemblement), c.1875 (oil on canvas)
Monument to Emile Zola, avenue Emile Zola, Paris, c.1902-09 (bronze) (b/w photo)
Firedamp, 1893 (bronze)
Foundryman, c.1880 (bronze)
Return from the Mine (oil on canvas)
In the Black Country (oil on canvas, 1890)
Unloading the ship (oil on canvas)
The Hammerman, 1884 (bronze)
Factory Girls (oil on canvas)

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