Murakami, Takashi (b.1962)

Creator details

Murakami, Takashi (b.1962)

Assets (34 in total)

Multicolour Flowers, 2012 (acrylic & platinum leaf on canvas)
Open Your Hands Wide, 2010 (colour litho)
Me and Mr. Dob, 2009 (colour litho)
Kiki, 2000-05 (oil, acrylic, synthetic resins, fibreglass & iron)
Dob in the Strange Forest (Blue Dob), 1999 (fibre-reinforced plastic, resin, fibreglass, acrylic & iron)
Flowerball Pink, 2007 (acrylic and platinum leaf on canvas mounted on board)
Melting DOB E, 2001 (acrylic on canvas)
Cascading, 2003 (folding screen)
Superflat Monogram, 2004 (acrylic on canvas)
Flowerball Brown, 2007 (acrylic and platinum leaf on canvas mounted on board)
Cherries, 2005 (FRP, steel, acrylic, urethane paint)
Kaikai Kiki News, 2001 (colour litho)

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