Roy, Pierre (1880-1950)

Creator details

Roy, Pierre (1880-1950)
Pierre Roy (1880-1950) was a French painter and illustrator known for his colorful and dynamic works. Born in Nantes, France, Roy studied at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris and began exhibiting his paintings in the early 1900s. He was associated with the Fauvist movement, which emphasized bold colors and expressive brushstrokes, and his work often featured landscapes, still lifes, and portraits. In addition to his painting, Roy was also a prolific illustrator, creating illustrations for books, magazines, and advertisements. He worked for publications such as Le Rire and La Vie Parisienne, and his illustrations often featured playful and whimsical scenes. Throughout his career, Roy continued to experiment with different styles and techniques, incorporating elements of Cubism and Surrealism into his work. He died in Paris in 1950, leaving behind a legacy of vibrant and imaginative art.

Assets (17 in total)

Shells on a Landscape; Paysage aux Coquilles, 1931 (oil on canvas)
Invitation to Travel; Invitation au Voyage, 1929 (oil on canvas)
Still Life with Shells, c.1930
Les Papillons No, 1931 (oil on canvas)
Glass of wine in front of a castle; Verre de vin devant un chateau, 1935 (oil on canvas)
Les Papillons No, 1931 (oil on canvas)
Fun Physics; Physique amusant, 1929 (oil on canvas)
Metric System, c.1933 (oil on canvas)
The Port Road, 1943 (oil on canvas)
Shell and Drape; Coquillage et Drape, c.1930 (oil on canvas)
The Doorway; La Porte,  (oil on canvas)
Angele, illustration from

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