Calthrop, Dion Clayton (1875-1937)

Creator details

Calthrop, Dion Clayton (1875-1937)

Assets (161 in total)

Man 's costume in reign of Richard II (1377- 1399)
Man 's costume in reign of ELizabeth I (1558-1603)
Man 's costume in reign of Anne I (1702-1714)
Man 's costume in reign of Mary I (1553-1558)
Man 's costume in reign of George II (1727-1760)
Couple 's costume in reign of Edward II
Woman 's costume in reign of Elizabeth I (1558-1603)
Woman 's costume in reign of George I (1714-1727)
Man 's costume in reign of Henry VIII (1509-1547)
Man 's costume in reign of the Charles II (1660-1685)
Couple 's costume in reign of Edward VI (1547-1553)
The Witch Herself (engraving)

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