Gosse, Philip Henry (1810-88)

Creator details

Gosse, Philip Henry (1810-88)

Assets (136 in total)

Plate II, study for 'Actinologia Britannica: A History of the British Sea Anemones and Corals', c.1858-60 (graphite, w/c & gouache on paper)
Plate VI, study for 'Actinologia Britannica: A History of the British Sea Anemones and Corals', c.1858-60 (graphite, w/c & gouache on paper)
Plate I, study for 'Actinologia Britannica: A History of the British Sea Anemones and Corals', c.1858-60 (graphite, w/c & gouache on paper)
Plate V, study for 'Actinologia Britannica: A History of the British Sea Anemones and Corals', c.1858-60 (graphite, w/c & gouache on paper)
Echinoderms (chalk on paper)
Rosy Feather Star (chalk on paper)
Sea Cucumbers (white chalk on paper)
Cockle (pastel on paper)
Bryozoa (pastel on paper)
Anemones and stalked jellyfish (pastel on paper)
Exocoetus Hillianus, Clupea Lamprotaenia, Poecilia Melapleura and Monochirus Inscriptus, 1851 (litho)
Aurelia Aurita: Moon Jellyfish (chalk on paper)

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