Hunt, William Holman (1827-1910)

Creator details

Hunt, William Holman (1827-1910)
William Holman Hunt (b.1827 d.1910) was an English painter and co-founder of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Alongside Millais and Rossetti, Hunt aimed to study nature attentively expressing genuine and serious ideas. His approach was to depict events as they would have happened rather than focusing on artistic convention. He made three trips during his life to the Middle East which allowed him to paint biblical scenes with accurate local detail. Hunt’s work is characterised by clear colours and vivid detail often including moral or social symbolism.

Assets (109 in total)

The Scapegoat, 1854 (oil on canvas)
Light of the World, c.1851-53 (oil on canvas)
The Light of the World, c.1852 (oil on canvas)
The Hireling Shepherd, 1851 (oil on canvas)
The Lady of Shalott, c.1905 (oil on panel) (see also 495754)
The Shadow of Death, 1870-73 (oil on canvas)
Rienzi Vowing to Obtain Justice for the Death of his Young Brother, Slain in a Skirmish between the Colonna and Orsini Factions, 1849-49 (oil on canvas)
The Shadow of Death, 1870-73 (oil on canvas)
Edward Lear (1812-88) 7th November 1857 (pencil on paper)
The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple, 1862 (oil on canvas) (also see 328385)
The Eve of St. Agnes, or The Flight of Madelaine and Porphyro during the Drunkenness attending the Revelry, 1848 (oil on canvas)
Valentine Rescuing Sylvia from Proteus, 1851 (oil on canvas)

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