Platts, Anna

Creator details

Platts, Anna
Born in 1981, Anna Platts completed a degree in Illustration and since then has been working as an illustrator, designer and artist. Her work is constantly developing and evolving, taking inspiration from travels, flowers, words of poetry and much more. Anna Platts' design work takes in market trends and requirements but is strongly based in her love of drawing. The composition and colours of these images are then edited digitally.

Assets (87 in total)

Elephants, 2013 (mixed media digital image)
Paisley Peacock, 2013 (mixed media digital image)
Fish (mixed media)
Golden Pheasant, 2013 (mixed media digital image)
Afternoon Tea (mixed media)
Blossom Birds (mixed media)
Geisha, 2013 (mixed media digital image)
Robin (mixed media)
Pudding (mixed media)
The Dancing Spaniards (mixed media)
Star Trees (mixed media)
Instruments, 2013 (mixed media digital image)

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