Cotelle, Jean the Younger (1642-1708)

Creator details

Cotelle, Jean the Younger (1642-1708)

Assets (22 in total)

The Groves of Versailles. View of the Three Fountains with Venus and Cherubs Practising with Bows and Arrows, 1688 (oil on canvas)
The Groves of Versailles, Perspective View of the Three Fountains with Cherubs Raking and Watering, 1688 (oil on canvas)
View of the Orangerie at Versailles, from the Piece d'Eau des Suisses and the King's Vegetable Garden with Vertumnus and Pomona, 1688 (oil on canvas)
View of the Salle de Bal with a Performance of 'Rinaldo and Armida', 1688 (oil on canvas)
The Groves of Versailles: View of the Maze with Diana and her Nymphs, 1688 (oil on canvas)
The Groves of the Versailles. View of the Fountain of Enceladus with the Feast of Lycaon (oil on canvas)
The Groves of Versailles. View of the pool of Neptune and walkway with the Judgement of Paris, 1688-93 (oil on canvas)
The Groves of Versailles: View of the Entrance to the Maze with Birds, Nymphs and Cherubs, 1688 (oil on canvas)
The Groves of Versailles. View of the Theatre of Water with Nymphs waiting to receive Psyche (oil on canvas)
View of the grove of the star or mountain of water in the gardens of Versailles with Alphee pursuing Arethuse and in the sky, Diane leads her chariot, 17th century (oil on canvas)
The Groves of Versailles. View of the Star or Mountain of Water with Alph persuing Arethusa (oil on canvas)
The Groves of Versailles. View of the Grove of Domes with nymphs decorating the chariot of Apollo with flowers (oil on canvas)

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