Mulier, Pieter the Younger (known as Tempesta) (1637-1701)

Creator details

Mulier, Pieter the Younger (known as Tempesta) (1637-1701)

Assets (16 in total)

St. Paul arriving at Malta
Noah offers up a Sacrifice as a Sign of his Gratitude, 1687-90 (oil on canvas)
Stormy sea. Stormy Sea, 17th century (oil on canvas)
The Rape of Proserpine (oil on canvas)
Coastal scene with fishing pinks inshore and a Man O'War offshore (oil on panel)
Lake landscape with shephards (Paesaggio lacustre con pastori), by Pieter Mulier known as Cavalier Tempesta, 17th Century, oil on canvas, 73 x 99 cm
The Rape of Proserpine
Birth of Castor and Pollux, c.1700 (oil on canvas)
Moses and Aaron calling down the Plague of Hail upon Egypt
Tempete on the sea, 17th century (oil on canvas)
Battleship (Painting, 17th century)
Landscape with Farmers tending their Animals

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