Madden, Tamara Natalie

Creator details

Madden, Tamara Natalie
<p> Tamara Natalie Madden was born in St. Andrew, Jamaica and raised in Manchester, Jamaica. It was during her childhood in Manchester that Madden was exposed to her first artistic influences. In 1997, Tamara was diagnosed with a rare genetic kidney disease called IGA Nephropathy. Over the next few years she would watch her body deteriorate while she tried to maintain sanity amidst all of the toxins collecting in her body. In order to maintain some semblance of normalcy she began to create again.</p> <p> &nbsp;In 2000, Tamara took a trip home to Jamaica in hopes of reuniting with family and finding a long lost brother. She had no idea that the trip would save her life. Her brother offered his kidney to her upon seeing the condition that she was in. This amazing offer was consummated in 2001 with Tamara undergoing a successful kidney transplant. That year she participated in her first art exhibition, making good on the promise that she had made to herself long ago to become a professional fine artist.</p> <p> Her current body of work seeks to heighten the overlooked and forgotten. Her pieces focus less on egoism, and more on the intrinsic beauty of each individual. She uses golden washes, bright colours, and silk fabrics to evoke a sense of regality in each of her paintings.</p> <p> Her work has been featured in many newspapers and magazines, including, but not limited to, the New York Times International, the Jamaican Gleaner, and Upscale Magazine, and has been collected worldwide.</p> <p align="center"></p>

Assets (18 in total)

Remembering Tamara (acrylic & mixed media on canvas)
Her Coat of Many Colours, 2010 (mixed media on canvas)
The Black Queen, 2010 (mixed media on canvas)
Paradise, 2011 (mixed media on canvas)
Earth Queen (acrylic & mixed media on canvas)
Conqueror, 2012 (mixed media on canvas)
EZE, 2011 (mixed media on canvas)
Sunflower (pastel on paper)
Ambiguity (acrylic and mixed media on canvas)
Protected, 2009 (mixed media on canvas)
Royal (mixed media on canvas)
Sankofa (acrylic & mixed media on canvas)

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