Nauman, Bruce (b.1941)

Creator details

Nauman, Bruce (b.1941)

Assets (41 in total)

Anthro/Socio (Rinde Spinning), 1992 (see also 172597, 181600, 181602)
Henry Moore Bound to Fail (back view) 1967 (plaster)
Anthro/Socio (Rinde Spinning) 1992 (see also 181600, 181601, 181602)
Double Poke In The Eye, 1985 (neon & white aluminium box)
Gallery exhibiting works by Bruce Nauman (b.1941) (photo)
Anthro/Socio (Rinde Spinning), 1992 (see also 172597, 181601, 181602)
Studies of Holograms, 1970 (detail) (silkscreen print) (see also 180895, 180896, 180897, 180898)
Henry Moore Bound to Fail, conceived 1967, executed 1970 (cast iron)
Good Boy Bad Boy, 1985 (two colour videos, sound, two monitors on two pedestals; tape i (male): 60 min. loop; tape ii (female): 52 min. loop)
Double Poke in the Eye II, 1985 (aluminium box and neon light)
The True Artist Helps the World by Revealing Mystic Truths (Window or Wall Sign) 1967 (neon)
Andrew Head/Andrew Head, Stacked, 1990 (wax)

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