Harlin, Greg (b.1957)

Creator details

Harlin, Greg (b.1957)

Assets (31 in total)

First Americans, 1993 (w/c on paper)
Mastodon Hunt, 1998 (w/c on paper)
Women Butchering Mastodon, 1998 (w/c on paper)
Cabeza de Vaca, 1994 (w/c on paper)
Writing the Constitution, 2009 (w/c on paper)
Northwest coast of American Indians, family life, 2007 (w/c on paper)
Saul on road to Damascus, 2002 (w/c on paper)
Pope Urban VI, 2009 (w/c on paper)
Paul says farewell, 2002 (w/c on paper)
Colonial woman forced to house British troops, 2005 (w/c on paper)
Acupuncture in China, 2002 (w/c on paper)
Corn crops withered from killing frosts in the northeastern Unites States in 1816 (watercolour on paper)

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