Gervais-Courtellemont, Jules (1863-1931)

Creator details

Gervais-Courtellemont, Jules (1863-1931)

Assets (89 in total)

French soldiers with a mortar during the Battle of the Marne east of Paris, September 1914 (autochrome)
A French military cemetery, Verdun, September 1916 (autochrome)
Zouave infantry troops of the French army at Barcy during the Battle of the Marne east of Paris, September 1914 (autochrome)
Three women wearing the Red Cross and the French ambulance staff with a vehicle, Verdun, September 1916 (autochrome)
A soldier in uniform with three medals is standing next to a cannon in Paris, 1918 (autochrome)
Riflemen from Senegal during the Battle of the Marne east of Paris, September 1914 (autochrome)
An English dispatch rider taking off during the Battle of the Marne east of Paris, September 1914 (autochrome)
French soldiers, Marne, September 1914 (autochrome)
View of Verdun after 8 months of bombing, September 1916 (autochrome)
Robert Nivelle, September 1916 (autochrome)
Soldiers in the Fort de Souville which was destroyed by German artillery, September 1916 (autochrome)
French soldiers, Marne, September 1914 (autochrome)

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