Victors (Victoors), Jan (1620-76)

Creator details

Victors (Victoors), Jan (1620-76)

Assets (17 in total)

A portrait of a gentleman pointing to a pocket watch in his hand, 1650 (oil on canvas) (pair to 359446)
Moses Striking the Rock (oil on canvas)
Jacob Seeking Forgiveness of Esau, 1652 (oil on canvas)
A Village Scene with a Cobbler, c.1650 (oil on canvas)
The Meal with Esther (oil on canvas)
The Expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael, c.1644 (oil on canvas)
The Fruit Seller
The Dismissal of Hagar, 1650 (oil on canvas)
River Landscape with a couple carrying a milk churn
The Crepes (oil on panel)
Portrait of a lady, 1657, by Jan Victors (1619-1676).
Peacock and other Birds in a Landscape

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