Woods, Rob (Bridgeman Studio)

Creator details

Woods, Rob
Born in 1949 Rob Woods studied art, specialising in Fine Art Painting and Sculpture. He has exhibited in individual and group exhibitions, most recently as a member of the Norfolk Contemporary Art Society and the Norwich 20 group. Woods' work over the last decade developed from an interest in how bureaucratic structures are often imposed upon people in the workplace. He then makes visual parallels between geological structures and strata of management. This led him to depictions of the individual pursuing his life through a linear time model. The unusual and the unintentional surreal moments of our lives feature in much of Woods' work. In more recent work he imagines the plight of a heavenly being suddenly becoming human and learning about the realities of an earthly existence. Encountering new experiences in a range of different situations from the circus to cities and countryside the being explores his mortality.

Assets (88 in total)

Prague I, 2010 (acrylic on canvas)
Stop that Row!, 2012 (etching)
As regular as clockwork he crosses the horizon, 2008 (oil on canvas)
Deserted Sunday, 2011 (pastel on paper)
Freedom, 2005 (acrylic on canvas)
Madonna of Australia, 2006 (oil & acrylic on canvas)
Leaving, 2013 (oil and acrylic on canvas)
Troubador, 2010 (acrylic on canvas)
Alone at Last, 2013 (pencil on paper)
Sea Breeze, 2006 (mixed media on paper)
Rock Surface 1, 2004 (mixed media)
Circushenge, 2012 (pencil on paper)

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