Carline, Sydney (1888-1929)

Creator details

Carline, Sydney (1888-1929)

Assets (25 in total)

The Walnut Tree, 1928 (oil on canvas)
The Eiderdown, 1918-29 (oil on canvas)
British Scouts leaving their Aerodrome on Patrol, over the Asiago Plateau, Italy, 1918 (oil on canvas)
Sopwith Camel Patrol Attacking an Austrian Aerodrome near Sacile, Italy, 1918 (oil on board)
Study for 'British Scouts leaving their Aerodrome on Patrol, over the Asiago Plateau, Italy', 1918 (sanguine crayon on paper)
British Maurice Farman Attacked by a German Fokker While Dropping Sacks of Corn on Kut-el-Amara during the Siege of 1916, 1919 (oil on canvas)
British scouts leaving their aerodrome on patrol over Asiago Plateau, Italy, from British Adventure published by Collins, 1947 (litho)
Through the Studio Door, Downshire Hill, Hampstead (oil on canvas)
Sketch of the Gorge of the River Baroda, Lebanon, 1919 (pencil on paper)
Mostar, Herzegovina, 1922 (oil on canvas)
Study for 'The Dead Sea: An Enemy Aeroplane over the Dead Sea, Palestine', 1919 (oil on canvas)
Wrecked Turkish Aeroplane, Jenin, 25 February 1919 (ink on paper )

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