Martini, Francesco di Giorgio (1439-1502)

Creator details

Martini, Francesco di Giorgio (1439-1502)
He was the leading artist from Siena in the second half of the 15th century. He produced many works in Siena; he was also a talented diplomat, leading to tenures at the courts of Naples, Milan and Urbino. During his own time, he was most noted as an architect, particularly for his work as a military architect, including his role in the development of the Bastion, which became the basis of post-medieval fortifications. Some of his major sculptures are 4 bronze angels for the high altar of Siena Cathedral. This widely traveled artist was friends with Leonardo; he wrote a treatise on architecture, that was not published until 1841. Italian sculptor and architect.

Assets (41 in total)

The Nativity, 1495 - 1500 (tempera and oil on canvas)
Quinquireme (marble)
Plaque bearing the portrait of a young man, possibly Guidobaldo da Montelfeltro (d.1508), son of Federigo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino (1422-82) attributed to Francesco di Giorgio Martini (1439-1502) (stone)
The Sacred Exchange Between Saint Francis and Lady Poverty, 1480 (tempera on panel)
Publius Scipio Africanus (c.235-183 BC) (oil on panel)
Paris, 1460s (tempera on panel)
Fortresses built by the defense from all sides - Plate by Francesco di Giorgio Martini (1439-1502) taken from a trade in civil and military architecture
Spiral ramp, 1480 - 1488
Page of a book by Alfonso Vargas, 15th century (miniature)
Museo delle Tavolette di Biccherna, 1467
The Virgin protecting Siena against earthquakes in 1466, 1467 (oil on panel)
The Nativity, c.1470 (tempera on wood)

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